Welcome to the website dedicated to
NUANS® Searches and Nuans® Reports
also provide Preliminary Name Searches and
Trademark Searches
purpose of this website is
provide detailed information about NUANS® Searches
assist you in ordering your NUANS® Report
assist you in selecting your business Name
you are looking for information about NUANS® Searches, please
feel free to browse through various topics on this website.
you are interested strictly in ordering your NUANS® Report,
please click the Order
NUANS® Report link to be transferred to the secure
server where you can place your order.
View this quick video to learn more about NUANS searches.
NUANS® Search is mandatory, if you wish to incorporate your
business in Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario,
Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan.
Search is a computerized name search system that compares a proposed
corporate name, business name or trademark with names in a database
of existing corporate names and trademarks.
Report is a seven-page document, which is generated by the NUANS
name search system. It lists the corporate names, business names
and trademarks most similar to your proposed business name. The
search is based on data contained in database of existing names
registered in Canada.
report can be used to determine if the proposed corporate name is
available. It is recommend that the user orders a preliminary name
search before actual NUANS search because it potentially saves you
time and money by eliminating proposed names with exact matches
before you pay for your NUANS Report.
the report shows that a name is unavailable, an alternative name
would require another NUANS® Report.